Early November Harvest

Early November in our Edmonton backyard garden.

Snow carpets the last of the beets and carrots. Some kale and collards still survive, as does the mint sheltered near the garage. Temperatures are set to drop to below -7 C, so this is the last of the 2018 vegetable garden season. What a fantastic year!

Beets and Collards from November Garden in Edmonton

This year, we grew beets in a raised bed in light, fertile soil. Best crop ever. We planted the traditional Detroit red beets. Beet greens are delicious, too, in salads, smoothies and as a cooked side dish, mixed with chard, kale and collards. We often have sauteed garden greens, with salmon, for a healthy supper. 

For a second year, we canned a few jars of beets for a winter treat.