I bought Candyland hybrid seeds from William Dam Seeds, a company located in southern Ontario. Other seeders sell them too. This is my third year growing Candyland. I start all my tomato plants indoors in early March and grow the seedlings under flourescent lights in the basement. Out they go into the garden when days & nights are warm in Edmonton. I provide some support for the Candyland plants, (tomato cages) to keep them up off the ground, This year (2024) I am growing my Candyland in a big pot. I hope the tomatoes are easier for the grandkids to get at. We will see how that goes.
Serve them as a snack, toss them in a salad, throw them into a pasta dish - or just head out to the garden and feast on them right off the plant. They are a 'novelty' tomato, too small for market, but for the home gardener, they are fun for the kids.